Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reviews from my last Lair Meeting

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:40 am Post subject:

About this last Lair meeting… Sasha you did great. I really liked the fact that you got away from the paper and actually spoke to us. You did really well actually… Public speaking is my biggest fear and is something I’ve got to get over ASAP, I have a lot of good poop to say too : ) Everything you spoke about was pure money. That guy with the frame control you spoke about that pissed in the trash can was my best friend… except he just moved to Jersey; but that must have been his twin. My buddy has a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and no driving license as well… and he’ll piss on a Manhattan city street with stopped traffic wasted out of his gourd. Love that guy. Alexander The Great… Where the hell did you come from? This lair because of your arrival has gone up in value easily ten points out of a now 13. I’m not trying to kiss your ass or validate you either, being honest. I saw this from two seconds of game, which I’ll get to later. Also, I’m not hating on any of the guys that have been here awhile at all, we have a good crew; but Alexander is the real pickup artist deal. You can just tell he knows what he’s talking about and more importantly when he did the demos… That’s when I could tell he wasn’t just some theory spitter that spat KJ crap all over the audience. (No one did that night; but I’ve seen it before) Now I didn’t see the whole demo; but what I did see was inspiring… I would have gone up there; but I don’t have game ready to go like that… mad props to those that did… that took some balls and you guys did well. When Alexander was giving his demonstrations, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one that was paying attention; but his opener into the set was explaining what to do. Someone asked a kino question… He then went in to demonstrate… “You open then you grab a chair.” He did as his opener. Then he went into his game mode which is unlike any game mode I have seen before. He consumed all the girls RAS (attention) (the girl that he didn’t bring with him, which made it even cooler to see and made it real) and demonstrated in real time his early kino tactic while running brief one sentence DHV’s to peak her interest type lines, kinoing at the natural time of his story. He started with a community classic, it didn’t hit… snip stack… one of his original’s then came out and BAM real Pupil Dilating attraction after one sentence with just a smidgen of nonthreatening kino. (I was too far away to see her pupils; but I’ve seen that laugh myself plenty of times.) His DHV actually made me want to hear the rest of the story!! He, in-front of a room full of horn balls, got her attraction. It’s one thing in-field; but this guy knows his poop. I’m not going to name the switches he hit; but he f-in nailed them... Bottom line… real deal. Imagine what this guy is doing in field on one of his on nights. I’ve been in field playing the natural card with impromptu PU theory application for two years now and I’ve never seen anything like that… and feel fortunate to see what I did. That’s right two seconds of a set and I’m inspired. I’m REALLY curios as to what it was I missed when I left the room… damn that MT!! If someone could explain what happened after that that would be great. That meeting was phenomenal. -Sonics
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SashaWomb RaiderLocation: Oak Park, MI
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:21 am Post subject:

Thanks Man. I appreciate that. I figured I had to do a complete 360 of my last speech, because it felt so impersonal. I really thought about what to write for this speech as well, cause I wanted to get past all of that methodical bullshit and really try to elaborate on what Natural Game is, atleast, the way I see and apply it. On a side note, everything said about Alexander IS true. I've sarged with the guy quite a few times now, and I can definitely agree to everything you just said. If you ever get to experience the guy in field, its fascinating just to watch. Its like watching a short movie directed by Steven Spielberg, on proper sexual human interaction. I've learned a ton from the guy in the venues we've hit, and can definitely say he speaks from experience. I'm glad to say he's a part of our lair because we really needed a meeting like this to bring us up from the recent slump.
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ChaseRecovering AFCLocation: Ann Arbor
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:46 am Post subject:

I don't think i can really add anything to what already has been said. The meeting was amazing and i am so glad that i went there. I can't wait to go infield!
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izckI READ THE GAMELocation: WSU, MI
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:11 pm Post subject:

since im new to the lair and the community... it is really cool to actually see how everything fits...the openers, body language etc that ive read so much about in the materials... and there were some really useful fashion tips... thanks to alexander, sasha and michael... hope the next lair meeting is gonna be awesome as well...
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