Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reviews from my last Lair Meeting

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 6:40 am Post subject:

About this last Lair meeting… Sasha you did great. I really liked the fact that you got away from the paper and actually spoke to us. You did really well actually… Public speaking is my biggest fear and is something I’ve got to get over ASAP, I have a lot of good poop to say too : ) Everything you spoke about was pure money. That guy with the frame control you spoke about that pissed in the trash can was my best friend… except he just moved to Jersey; but that must have been his twin. My buddy has a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, and no driving license as well… and he’ll piss on a Manhattan city street with stopped traffic wasted out of his gourd. Love that guy. Alexander The Great… Where the hell did you come from? This lair because of your arrival has gone up in value easily ten points out of a now 13. I’m not trying to kiss your ass or validate you either, being honest. I saw this from two seconds of game, which I’ll get to later. Also, I’m not hating on any of the guys that have been here awhile at all, we have a good crew; but Alexander is the real pickup artist deal. You can just tell he knows what he’s talking about and more importantly when he did the demos… That’s when I could tell he wasn’t just some theory spitter that spat KJ crap all over the audience. (No one did that night; but I’ve seen it before) Now I didn’t see the whole demo; but what I did see was inspiring… I would have gone up there; but I don’t have game ready to go like that… mad props to those that did… that took some balls and you guys did well. When Alexander was giving his demonstrations, I’m sure I wasn’t the only one that was paying attention; but his opener into the set was explaining what to do. Someone asked a kino question… He then went in to demonstrate… “You open then you grab a chair.” He did as his opener. Then he went into his game mode which is unlike any game mode I have seen before. He consumed all the girls RAS (attention) (the girl that he didn’t bring with him, which made it even cooler to see and made it real) and demonstrated in real time his early kino tactic while running brief one sentence DHV’s to peak her interest type lines, kinoing at the natural time of his story. He started with a community classic, it didn’t hit… snip stack… one of his original’s then came out and BAM real Pupil Dilating attraction after one sentence with just a smidgen of nonthreatening kino. (I was too far away to see her pupils; but I’ve seen that laugh myself plenty of times.) His DHV actually made me want to hear the rest of the story!! He, in-front of a room full of horn balls, got her attraction. It’s one thing in-field; but this guy knows his poop. I’m not going to name the switches he hit; but he f-in nailed them... Bottom line… real deal. Imagine what this guy is doing in field on one of his on nights. I’ve been in field playing the natural card with impromptu PU theory application for two years now and I’ve never seen anything like that… and feel fortunate to see what I did. That’s right two seconds of a set and I’m inspired. I’m REALLY curios as to what it was I missed when I left the room… damn that MT!! If someone could explain what happened after that that would be great. That meeting was phenomenal. -Sonics
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SashaWomb RaiderLocation: Oak Park, MI
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:21 am Post subject:

Thanks Man. I appreciate that. I figured I had to do a complete 360 of my last speech, because it felt so impersonal. I really thought about what to write for this speech as well, cause I wanted to get past all of that methodical bullshit and really try to elaborate on what Natural Game is, atleast, the way I see and apply it. On a side note, everything said about Alexander IS true. I've sarged with the guy quite a few times now, and I can definitely agree to everything you just said. If you ever get to experience the guy in field, its fascinating just to watch. Its like watching a short movie directed by Steven Spielberg, on proper sexual human interaction. I've learned a ton from the guy in the venues we've hit, and can definitely say he speaks from experience. I'm glad to say he's a part of our lair because we really needed a meeting like this to bring us up from the recent slump.
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ChaseRecovering AFCLocation: Ann Arbor
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:46 am Post subject:

I don't think i can really add anything to what already has been said. The meeting was amazing and i am so glad that i went there. I can't wait to go infield!
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izckI READ THE GAMELocation: WSU, MI
Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 10:11 pm Post subject:

since im new to the lair and the community... it is really cool to actually see how everything fits...the openers, body language etc that ive read so much about in the materials... and there were some really useful fashion tips... thanks to alexander, sasha and michael... hope the next lair meeting is gonna be awesome as well...
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Monday, March 31, 2008

It's all about learing!

The post below is a recent post I submitted to the Detroit Lair. I worked with an individual and some of the members wanted to know how it went. Of course my student posted how the nite went, but it was very basic....He basically said how much fun he had and how I opened his eyes.

I felt I should elaborate a little more. I do not follow any set formula if you will. I draw from my 38 years of living on this earth.

I know the new edge or the new style of pick up is to be "Natural"...However, my attitude is, "Great, natural is the way you not only find yourself quality women, it opens up a new way to become part of many social circles! Everyone loves a real person that brings value...No one like a bullshitter!

Please enjoy!

This is a two part post!

As with all my valued “Friends” that have worked with me, gone out with me, and have received a custom routine stack, each one of them can honestly say without doubt, there games have improved, and some have supercharged there game.

Let me say that the Sonny’s of the world are the ones I work best with.(Sonny is a local guy from the Lair that received a glance into the world of Alexanders Life Skills). And generally experience the fastest and best results. Any gamer out there that is working hard on improving his overall structure and skill set must be willing to put in the time and learn the ideas and behaviors of women and women psychology.
This is critical! How are you going to effectively meet ladies when you’re having trouble calibrating yourself or at the very least “know what kind of women” you are dealing with?

The great news is, knowing what type of chic you are dealing with is easy…example…

Party girl/stripper/super hott (cares only about what she looks like and how you make her feel and look, generally very shallow, and bitchy, at the same time you must know it’s not her fault. Her whole life she has been catered to and has all the attention she needs from guys! Validating her is weak and common, this women needs to chase you! You must set frames and hoops that will make her ask you questions. Qualifying should be your goal.

The smart girl (cares a lot about honesty and congruence). Be careful, it’s a fine line between party girl and smart girl, both can be super hott. The only exception is the smart girl will call your ass out in a heart beat, should you come across to “gamey” or nervous. Your goal is to set frames that will spike her curiosity, give a little and hold back a little, this type of women does not need cocky funny or negs, she’s smart enough to know you’re playing her, should you mis-calibrate and be all cocky and funny at the wrong time! Although, cocky funny with negs is MUCH better than being boring! Show this chic you can hang at her level and you are not intimated by her smarts, in fact that’s what you find attractive. Use routines based on factual events, current events, such as the Detroit Mayor and his assistant! Example…”Wow, can you believe what those two must be going thru? Never did they think it would get to this point, and let this be an example of what happens when an emotional connection happens between two people, when passion strikes, when we get lost in our fantasies, and the person you’re standing next to is dripping with sensuality, and lust, how can we stop those feelings? Those two had so much to lose, yet, they risked everything in the name of excitement, in the name of lust, passion, raw sex, and power!" Power is huge, place yourself in a position of power, no matter if you're the manager of Taco Bell, as long you can show you have power over others, the ladies are lined up to experience these feelings! You know, I like that, power frames...hmmm, I might work on those....Just gave myself an excellent idea!

Passionate girl…Love these types, set connection frames, set non-judgmental frames, use roll playing as a tool (and watch her laugh like never before), and seal the deal with heavy sexual frames…Most passionate women are extremely sexual! I have a great lay report I will submit soon. Met her on St. Paddy’s day and had her in my car masturbating within one hour of meeting her, while I filmed it on my camera phone, and took a shit load of pixs! Sonny and Sasha had the privilege of watching my short video clip! And the best part of it all, I was working with a student that evening and he watched the whole thing go down!

(If you're reading this my crazy little St. Paddy gal, you have no worries, as discussed in my car, I do not judge! Nor do I need to show-off to anyone at someone else's expense)!

Let’s talk natural for a second; being natural is what you were taught as a youngster. Example, you naturally learned to tie your shoes laces, you naturally learned to read, write, spell, and do math in school. Some of you learned to naturally play an instrument (not talking about your pecker, although, we all naturally learned how to jerk off, some better than others), or naturally learned to PICK UP ladies…

So, try and associate the things in life that come easy and naturally to you, all you have to do is simply copy that same behavior and learning patterns into every interaction you have with women.

Some of you may be saying, come on Alexander, what do you mean copy patterns and behaviors from thing that already come naturally to us and incorporate them into pick up? Think about it for a moment, really think, I’ll wait…mmmmhmmmmmmmmOk, you guys getting it yet?

How easy is it for you to brush your teeth in the morning? Easy, right!? No thought whatsoever! Why, because how f-ing simple is it to pull your tooth brush out, apply tooth paste, then brush away….You know when you’re done, because you covered all the basics of teeth cleaning, and the bitter taste of the tooth paste needs to be spit out!....Well, F**k dudes, same thing when talking to a hottie…You know you have to cover all the basics of Pick-up…Example, you need to create attraction, you need to create a connection, you need to nail comfort, and you know you need to close! Now, as simple as brushing your teeth, those steps should be just as easy in pick up!

I never have to think about making her smile or laugh…I never have to think about creating an attraction…and so on…those steps are simple…Do them enough and your game will greatly improve! Hope that helped some of you to better understand pick up is a natural thing; there is nothing more natural in this world than a man and women together! This planet has what, 6 billion people? That’s a lot of fucking, A LOT OF FUCKING! You think all that fucking had to do with routines and negs? Fuck no; it’s hard wired into our brains that we need to reproduce. So follow your instinct that says, “hey man, go make her nite by walking up and smiling and simply starting a conversation.

On part two, I will go into detail how to effectively turn every interaction into a positive one!

Of course this will be a BIG part of the next Lair talk! I’m not f-ing around when I say, with the help of others in this Detroit community, for each person on this lounge to have basic skills with women!

Final thought…I keep using the word basic, because that’s all you need is basic skills. When you clout your head with every little thing you read and these so called magical forum posts with people doing X to create Y which resulted into a 3some with playboy models, you find yourself dazed and confused! Don’t get me wrong, there is plenty of advanced material and skill sets, but including myself, I rarely need them!

Rock out with your cocks out!


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

What TEXT messages?

Hey Detroit,

Long time no talk! I've been working on some great ideas! Big news is coming in regards to Detroit's Lair! I wish I could speak more about it, however, I want everyone to get ready for a Lair talk that will blow you away! DEAD serious!

All you guys that want to see actual PICK up - Live and up close will get a chance to see how its done! You will also have the chance to practice yourself on extremely sexy ladies!

More exciting information to come!

Talk soon...


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bangin Models

Hello Detroit,

Thought I would post about a recent Lay. It was as tight as it gets - no games, no gimmicks, and no canned material, straight up natural shit! This is what we should all be striving for!

Let me explain quickly what I mean by “Straight up Natural”… A natural is comfortable with who he is, he understands where he currently stands socially. It makes no difference whether he is a student, works at Burger King, collects trash, or is a partner in a large law firm. He will make no excuse or try to side step the obvious. Trust me, no amount of canned material or routines will mask your true intentions, they ALWAYS come out!

Key here is: what ever you do or how ever you live, you must be able to communicate and sub-communicate that its part of your growth to bigger life accomplishments.

I promise you this, you will be able to have 9 and 10’s in your life as long as can you show them you have passion and drive in life. Most women will come along for the ride, and in most cases actually enjoy it more than someone that already accomplished his life goals, but then again, very few people can honestly say that have achieved there goals…

We as PUA’s need to show these beautiful women why they would want to be associated with us, and date us, and suck the nectar out of our root!

OK onward! Last week I was invited to a fashion try-out for models trying to get a last minute look, by a member of this lounge (out of respect I will not mention names, plus, I want to keep this hook up my secret…lolol)…Just kidding, I will be more than happy to announce who he is, with his permission that is!

I walk into a room of at least 40+ models, and most of them were smoking HOTT! It’s been a while since I was in the company of so many great looking women! Besides Las Vegas last week, but that doesn’t count, because Vegas is fantasy land…

Camera’s were set up to video each lady do her strut down the cat walk, all kinds of representatives were there to possibly hire some of these ladies, so you can imagine the pressure they must have all felt. This is where my skills and everyone reading this post would want to master. I knew it was a very sensitive situation, the slightest NEG or Gamey routine or pick up line would set her off and she would realize I was full of shit.

See, I did not represent any of the companies that would hire them, I did not represent any possible future opportunities…So, why would she waste her time talking to me, let along give me her contact info, and for the lov of anything holy, why would she actually leave the venue with me?!

I’ll tell you why…. Because I emotionally entered her world, I understood the pressure, I understood the competition, and I systematically communicated to each Model I talked to “I get what she’s going thru”…I exploited her emotions, and did in such a manner that she instantly felt a connection with me, and more importantly made me stand out from all the other dudes trying to grab her slightest attention.

I gave each girl I talked to honest feed back…example, I told this one smoking hottie that she didn’t smile enough. I was being real and giving her real feed back… “hey babe, you looked great out there, but the only thing I noticed that may have hurt you was you were not smiling” Instantly she agreed and was like “wow, you totally noticed that”
I noticed this one girl; her body language was very defensive and reserved. I simply rolled up and said “I know this is a big event for you, and I’m sure you’re nervous (kino kino kino), however, if I can make a small observation, I think it may help” she instantly was like “YEA, OMG, PLEASE WHAT WHAT” “Start smiling now” “Stop crossing your arms and looking like you just found out your boyfriend cheated on you” “Here, let’s act like we are best friends, start laughing with me…ha ha ha ha” At that point I put my arm around her (strong Kino)…and acted like we’ve know each other for ever! It totally broke her state and she opened up, when she did her walk, she did it well, she nailed it! This girl eventually came back to me after and gave me the biggest hug EVER! I was the MAN!
Every other model in there watched me talk to other girls and every girl wanted to know what the hell I was saying to all of them, because each and every one of them was smiling ear to ear!

Long story short, I have 6, no BULLSHIT, 6 phone numbers and 3 emails addresses. I also have pictures of these ladies; I have been in touch with each one of them.

But my favorite of them all, her name is Mandy! Mandy was so impressed that I understood her world and I could relate with her situation she instantly hooked onto me and never let go…I ended up bouncing her to my favorite hotel, can anyone take a guess? The Athenaeum…I have the whole nite documented with pixs, she modeled for me more ways than one! I was thinking about posting them here, I still may, but it would be a shame if they ever got back to her. Can I trust this lounge?

Final note, learn to latch onto women’s emotions and communicate and sub-communicate you understand her, you don’t judge her, and you respect her! Women love real men, there just isn’t enough real guys around, and that’s why someone like me has the pick of the litter. That was not meant for me to be cocky or a prick, I am simply saying I see on a daily basis what women want, and how hard it is for them to find it. Be that man!

Until next time,

Rock out with your cocks out!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Back from Vegas!

What up Detroit playaz,

To re-cap, I flew to Vegas with a local friend (rayza) is his name! The man has extreme game, natural game that is! For those of you that know me, you’ll always hear me talk about having a life or getting a life, having ambitions and goals! I don’t care how many routines you know, how many canned openers you learn, or how many cold reads you can throw at women, without a promising career or real goals in life, you will have ZERO quality women in your life! Enough said!

We also met up with Priest, another great friend of mine from Texas, we met about 2 years ago at a Mystery workshop, and have been close ever since. In fact, as I grow my community, I will have Priest visit and have a Lair talk. Also, as a gift to the Detroit scene, I will be flying up some big hitters, guys you may have all heard about. Not going to mention names now, but you may have read about them in the book called the GAME by Neil Strauss. They also have a solid presence in Mystery’s Forum.

My trip was educational. It helped me better understand that not one method is better than another method. It comes down to each individual and how he presents himself. What may work for me, may not work for you. However, just like golf or any other sport, there is many different types swings, but at the point of connection or impact they are all have the same characteristics. Same with game, we all have different approaches to this, but all true masters have the same thing in common! Do you know what that is? Drop me a line at Alexanders.lifeskills@gmail.com for your answer!

OK, back to my Vegas trip…Where do I start, all I can say there was too much drugs, gambling, drinking, smoking, staying up late, and most of all, too many crazy women!

We had different women in our suit every nite of our stay. We had the girl next door type, we had models, we have shy ones, we had freaks, and we even had Vegas’s best hookers…it was f-ing amazing!

I want to thank all of you that have sent me emails regarding you sticking points. Please be patient I will get to everyone, I live for this stuff. It makes me work harder at understanding how I can best deliver quality information that can actually make your life easier!

On that note, it’s Friday and I’m going out! Keep in touch and I look forward to working with those that have contacted me. Keep em coming, it will only get better!


Ps…if anyone has a sticking point you would like me to address on this blog, drop me a note in the comment section of this post! Or simply email me and I will answer your question for everyone to read and hopefully learn from!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Las Vegas Super Conference


Sitting here all f-ing tired and mentally exhausted. My social life is defiantly not the norm. Shit, I probably hang out 4-5 nites a week, I don’t drink and party it up each time, but staying up late and getting up early for work is for the birds. Fortunately, I have a promising career and I see the rainbow at the end of the rain…however, I wish it would stop f-ing raining already... lol…

Just going over last minute shit with Priest (for you Detroit boys, Priest is a great friend of mine I met while attending a Mystery Bootcamp almost two years ago. Priest and I stayed in touch since then and he has proven to not only to be a guy with tight skills, but he has proven to be an excellent friend and person!

Brother Priest.....Vegas here we come!

Priest and I will be staying in a 3,000 square foot Hotel Penthouse at the Bellagio, yes you read right, 3k Penthouse…F-ing Mack Daddy!

OK, our game plan…Simple…visit the conference, meet the big names in the community…Spend each nite popping bottles with models….Whole lot of f-ing! Hmmm, don't you threaten me with a good time...lol...

Shit, while we’re there, I might just try out my stripper game, correction, I WILL be running stripper game! However, I’ve been going to Vegas every year if not every other year for the last 10 years…Stripper in Vegas are there to work, not saying its not possible, it just takes skill and correct timing! If you catch a stripper that has made her quota for the week or weekend, you’re in, assuming you’ve run proper attraction game and you better have something fun lined up, because these bitches are used to the good life! Drugs or a Penthouse suite usually does the trick~!

Until next time…Rock out with your cock out!


Monday, February 18, 2008

Detroit Lair Talk complete with A “Naturals” drama!

Hey guys, hope all is well in PU land!

To all the people that attended the Detroit Lair Talk this past Saturday, I want to personally thank each of you for attending. I had a blast talking to all of you! It is my intention to help as much as I can. I am committed to providing the most up to date techniques and strategies out there! Believe me when I say, I want all of you to become better men, not only in pick up but in your daily lives! Stay tuned to my blog and schedule, as I will be announcing shortly my up-coming boot camp! This is sure to be a weekend you will not want to miss!

I have attached some pics. I also have video footage of the talk, once I get it back, I will post it here!

As promised, all you have to do is send me an email at alexanders.lifeskills@gmail.com Let me know that you attended, and I will give you a 20 minute free phone consultation with whatever sticking point you may have! (Please be patient, I am getting lots of requests, however, as promised, I WILL GET TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU)!!

So, my big debut went off with-out any problems! The feed back I received was excellent… my talk was entertaining and more importantly informative! I believe the live demo I did with my beautiful assistant will help many beginners understand the correct way to approach women of beauty and quality! I spoke about frames…sexual frames…force framing…cold reads…sub-communications…and one of my favorites, styles…
For those of you that may have thought my talk was a little advanced, I will stick to one topic next time around. I was advised that some of the Frame talk was a little over some peoples skill level. What a great motivator to give me a call and let me explain what you may have missed!

The amount of questions (quality questions) asked after my talk made me realize the apatite you all have in regards to social dynamics! Its very inspiring, this will make me work harder for all of you!

Now, for the drama most of you missed and for those of you who would like to hear what some “naturals” with big egos deal with when there set/s goes wrong, really wrong…Read on… :)

Some of the friends I spend time with outside of the community are what I consider or even what most consider being a “Natural”. Let me first explain my definition of a “Natural”. Goes something like this:
Always had women in his life.
Dating women came easy to them.
Understood (mostly on a sub-conscience level) how to make women laugh.
Understood that being needy or to aggressive or over confident would turn-off the ladies.
Good looks, dress well, and generally have money and/or a life!
Have an extensive social circle.
Very outgoing.

During my talk, my friend (John) was at the hotel lobby gaming a rather large mixed set. Turns out there were all part of a dance company from New York performing at one of the theaters in downtown Detroit (who says Detroit has no culture)?

He decided to bring her into the Lair Talk (which I apologize to everyone there) apparently he thought he was showing off! Fortunately, I was just getting done and they missed the entire thing (yea, nice friend I have, jerk).

When it was all said and done, I met him and my hottie at the lobby bar, which I confronted him on his behavior. He had a small attitude, but my frame was unshakeable that nite, I was flying high after my talk, feeling real good!

Meanwhile he had created all kinds of attraction with the two HB he managed to pull. When I had rolled up, they were totally intrigued with what I was doing and teaching. I gave them the shortest version possible (for now) and moved on with “let’s all grab a bite”

Now, I am going to fast-forward about an hour after meeting them. John, me, my-girl and two New York dancers head over across the street to one of my favorite strip-clubs! I was impressed that they wanted to go, and in fact, they also wanted to dance. I tried to get them a spot, but the manager said they need a stripper card or they would be fined! Oh well, I tried…At least they wanted to get naked!

Now, I understand the situation much better than my natural friend. I could tell what thier body language was saying, I knew they were having fun, and I could tell we had made them feel safe! We accomplished this thru major social proof, I know everyone at this hotel. I had a beautiful girl on my arm to begin with, and we had bounced them around the hotel and casino. At this point, all we had to do was not fuck it up!

John had dropped earlier “I am going to fuck you tonite”bomb to one of the girls! Once he had said it, I looked right at her to gage her reaction, and I could totally see it was on! He followed it by saying “oh I’m just kidding”…I tell him in front of the girls, “never say your kidding about such statements, as I wink and kino the hottie…Everyone laughed! John pipes up and says “was that from your lecture…ha ha ha” He was obviously trying to be funny or cute; actually he was annoying the FUCK out of me with his little jokes about the community. I kept telling him its low status to dog on your friends no matter what, and that the girls could tell he was being a little try hard…Of course that shit went in one ear and out the other ear!

We bounce to the stip club...

We are all sitting in the booth; it was a tight fit… My girl is all about 3-ways (I have not actually have gotten into one with her as of yet, but what a perfect opportunity)!

I could see he was getting drunk and his flare and charm or whatever was wearing off, as he had no other material to move forward with besides bragging about himself and/or dogging on “the community”… I once again pull him aside and say…”let me handle this, if we want to go back to there room, let me seed the bounce, JUST LET ME HANDLE it idiot, you’re getting drunk and you are not making any sense, you haven’t escalated correctly and if you were not a good looking guy you would have been blow out by now” And I was totally right, 100% correct, no question about it, NONE! And here’s why:

John to New York Dancer – hey babe, I like you, we should see each other!
NYD – what are you talking about? I already told you, I don’t live here and I fly out tomorrow!
John: Well, I like you and that’s why I bought you drinks and yada yada yada!
Me: I am thinking in my head “duuuuude, OMG you are totally fucking this up!
NYD – what? Just because you bought me a drink and invited us to hang with Alexander and his girl, I owe you something?
John: I want you, I want to kiss you, and I think he said something to the effect of wanting to have sex with her, for a second time, however this time, the tone was nothing like it was a couple hours ago…
NYD - I am not going to have sex with you, why are you being so aggressive and making us feel like we owe you something?
John – Yelling at her…”I am not aggressive, you’re crazy, what’s the matter with you”…on an on, until she almost started crying and got scared!

CAN YOU SAY F-ING IDOIT? I hope I don’t have to explain why you never want to behave like our friend John is behaving!

At this point, I pull him aside yet again, and I flat out say “have you lost your fucking mind”? Why are you fighting with these girls? Dude, it’s not her fault she called you aggressive…”Dude, you are being too much of a needy jerk, you’re drunk”!

I grab the attention of my girl and wink at her to smooth things over while I’m talking to John…I mean for the lov of anything holy, my girl is getting pissed to, because she wants to bounce to there hotel room as well! Think about it, it’s not funny anymore, it’s now getting stupid…two guys with THREE sexy ass women, and he’s f-ing the whole thing up, FOR ALL OF US!

He now starts blaming me for all of this????!!!?? The day before John and I were talking about a friend of ours and how he is able to pull all kinds of sexy momma’s with his aggressive style, he mis-understood what I was saying at the time and brought it back to me and my style of teaching? Basically he was making no sense. So now half the club is looking at him pointing his finger in my face and arguing with me= LOSERS! That’s how we must have looked like, complete idiots!
I could tell he was a little embarrassed and just didn’t know how to react. All of us, at least most of us that consider ourselves PUA’s know damn well not to become reactive when girls shit test us and what not. I trust everyone understands how this is unfolding and why it would never happen to anyone reading this post, right? Good, I would hope so!

I calm him down, sit him at the bar, and I go over to the girls to find out exactly what went down and see if there is any hope of fixing this?! (Sadly I find out later the damage was done, and no words would have worked, and I know this, so I am working hard on changing her mood and her emotional state, not her mind) Remember, if you want to get anyone that’s being resistant, don’t try and change there mind, you must change there mood/emotion in order to get where you want to!

She tells me that he is being to pushy and he yelled at her after she said she was not going to have sex with him, and it all started when she called him aggressive! Come on man, what a weak shit test in the first place, and to fail the test the way he did, deserves a smack straight across the face!

Dudes, as I was talking to her about him, I felt this huge rush come over me, she was hott and she smelled so nice, FUCK I can’t believe this is happening!!!!

I calm her down a bit and explain to her he is not like this, and to be honest, he really isn’t! He is drunk and his ego was hurt… I ask her if I can take a stab at understand this whole picture:
“Up until now, you were having fun, you thought he/all of us are cool, you are attracted to him, he’s outgoing and he is making you laugh, and if he had played his cards right, he may have actually been able to spend the nite with you”? “Am I close”? She says to me, you are spot on! You need to teach him what you know, because he has no idea on how to get into my pants”…lolololol

Major validation to me, at least in my head I know I would have closed this if he wasn’t such a f-ing moron….

This post is long enough, I’ll spare you the rest of the nite…But I will tell you that I took his drunken sorry ass home, tail tucked between his legs and no pussy, at least not that nite…lol.

My girl and I both exchanged contact information with the New York hotties. I will prolly stay in touch with them as they will be visiting Detroit again shortly, and I’m sure I’ll be in New York this summer. And let’s not forget about my girl, she loves women as well!

When we dropped John’s drunken ass at home, her and I laughed about how the nite played out and how it would have been a great experiance to have a 5 some! Oh well, there's always tomorrow!

My nite with the New Yorkers may have not gone the way her and I wanted it to go, but how gives a fuck about that, at least the Detroit Lair got a small taste of AlexanderTheGreat, and more is to cum!

Later gators,

If anyone has a topic you would like me to discuss in detail, please drop me a note in the comment section and/or shoot me an email at alexanders.lifeskills@gmail.com

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Detroit's Lair Meeting

What up people,

Just finished writing out my Lair talk…

February 16th I will be a guest speaker. I will primarily be speaking about style and sub-communications.

I will touch upon frames as well…

I am really excited about this opportunity. The Detroit scene has been a tad stagnant these days.

I have received positive feed back by some of the members, which led to me being invited to do a talk.

I will update on how it goes, as it should be a good one this time around! I am going to blow these dudes out of the water, as I will finish my talk with a lay report, and I will have my extremely hott girl-friend with me!

Detroit Rock City!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Making a first impression

What up playa's!

I just recently read a book, which I highly recommend called “Get Anyone To Do Anything” by David j. Lieberman, PH.D. It made it onto New York Times Bestseller list!

Perhaps some of you have read it. It’s an easy read and has a wealth of information for all PUA’s regardless of your skill level. It’s a book on how to control and influence every situation you find yourself in! It talks about and gives detail descriptions how to use secret psychological tricks…

One particular chapter I found interesting as I use it on every set I approach, In fact, I use this technique all day and every day.

Smiling! ;-) J J

I can’t say enough about smiling and how it sub-communicates so many positive emotions and thoughts to someone else…I believe it to be one of the best tactic’s you could use when meeting ANYONE! Let’s break it down further, as smiling will communicate 4 major attributes about YOU! There is something called Primacy Effect: “It’s the process whereby our first impression of another person causes us to interpret his or her subsequent behavior in a manner consistent with first impressions”, which just means that our first impression of someone is crucial So, why handicap yourself by not doing something so easy and simply, like smiling? And don’t give me any bullshit, you are guilty of not smiling just about an hour ago when you ordered your latte from Starbucks…You probably threw some routine out and acted all different and cool, but I KNOW you forgot to smile! So, smiling conveys Confidence, Happiness, enthusiasm, acceptance…

· Confidence…We all wants to show confidence in set, or in any situation!
· Happiness… We always want to show beautiful women we are happy or in a good mood!
· Enthusiasm… What’s that saying, enthusiasm is contagious, hell yes it is!
· Acceptance… I love this one; it simply means you accept the person for who they are! Huge ice breaker, by smiling you show this person that “hey, I don’t know you yet, but I like what I see”!

Some people have better smiles than other. I know a dude that hates to smile, he thinks he looks retarded when he tries to show off those pearly whites, and on a sad note, he is right, he does look stuck on stupid…However, with a few adjustments and beliefs that he is genuinely a confident, happy, enthusiastic, and real person, his smile works every time!

Try spending the day smiling at everyone you see…smile at your co-workers, smile at your mom, smile at the hottie while waiting at a traffic light…You will get positive reactions, you have to, it LAW of nature and human existence!

Side note, I am happy to add the Captain himself, Mr. Captain Jack! I have added his link on my blog home page. For those of you how do not know who the good Captain is, please take a moment and visit his blog, as you will find more information and archives regarding game that should keep you busy for at least a day or two J. Of course for those of you who do know CJ, I need no more introductions.

By the way CJ, when are you going to release some new SNL FR’s, would like to read up on a couple or so…

Everyone, have a great week and weekend…Until next time…Later Gators!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Are you serious?

Damn, I can't believe my beloved Pat's lost? What a shame! My extended family is crying the blues this morning, as I am as well :-(...

Which brings me to a thought...The Pat's were great all year, right!? Even the best fall...

Over the weekend I was gaming, and gaming hard....Sets opened like butter...But, that one set, that one girl, that I wanted never went anywhere...

Turns out it was a set that would have gone nowhere, no matter what I did! The girl found out that her dad has had a internet porn problem, as well as her boyfriend fucking her younger sister!

The chick was having major issues, and the reason she was at the bar was to get drunk and get advise from close friends...I know all this because her cousin pulled me aside to explain! She also did say how nice I seemed!?

Like the Pat's, no matter what play they ran, no matter how hard they played, in the end it was not to be! Set's will go this way...Nothing is a 100%...Learn this and understand this...I believe knowing such things are a good way to stay out of your head!

You cannot control what others are feeling, what they say about you, and what they think about you! Just move on without batting an eye!

Oh don't forget to smile, as smiling will always make you feel better, it works for me!

Friday, February 1, 2008

SuperBowl Sunday & My Challenge!

Not sure about you guys, but I am JACKED for Superbowl Sunday!

Born and raised in Boston, Arlington Hts, MA to be exact. Lived there up until I was 15 years old, then moved to Detroit...

Ya think I'm rooting for The New England Pats? You can bet your left arm I am...and here, get this...The Pats are going to smoke NY...Bet the farm, bet everything you have...(I am kidding, however, it is a safe bet)!

Enjoy the Day, its going to be GREAT!

Side note, today is Friday Feb 1st. I have challenged myself to go out tonite and hook a hottie, and this hottie will spend Sunday afternoon with me! Lets see what I do....

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Who are you?

Ever ask urself that question? Their is an old saying I would hear (and still do) from my Mother, and it goes something like this..."Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are"...

What’s the first thing that came to mind? Take a moment and think about it, I'm not going anywhere, I'll wait...

What she was telling me all these years, and still does, is that you are a by-product of who you associate with!

You associate with druggies; you probably are into drugs...

You associate with people that are unhealthy; you probably are unhealthy urself...

You associate with people that are driven; you probably have the same drive...

You associate with people that are positive, you probably are positive...

I'm sure you know where I'm going with this...so, let’s ask the question once more...who are your friends, who are the people you look up to, who do you turn to when you need real answers...

These questions are key in your development as a person! Think about it, you want to learn how to make a million dollars a month, associate yourself with them, find them, watch them, and learn...the same goes for anything else you are looking to achieve...spend time with people and things that will help you grow! Cut away the fat to become lean and mean!

You can start TODAY...understand where the fat is, and slowly start trimming!

The day I realized I wanted to learn a skill set that would allow me to build a social network with successful people, I systematically started cutting the fat...I'm not there yet, however, I am on my way!

See you at the top!